Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 11

OK so about 2 days ago, I was freaking out about my project. These strange things happened; however, with the help of Mr. Howe all was solved. Especially today, when I learned that computers like to round in some instances rather than giev an exact answer, and that the smallest of things can frustrate you and affect you program in big ways. Well at least all that, I had is done.
I added functions in case the player died and in the other case that the player has reached grame over. I also made the game progressivley harder and made a score tracker and life tracker on the screen. That is all ok. Now the issue is that, I added a lag function so that the enemy cant be so good at shooting the player. However, I think I got something weird from this. Also, I need to work on graphics which shouldnt be to bad. Ill be done by tomorrow night or Thursday morning!

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